When you arrived on the day of admission, check-in at the front desk as you would for outpatient. Give all your signed forms to the receptionist. If your insurance company is not one of our cooperating partners, you will make your deposit payment at this point. Depending on the type of procedure you are to have, the pharmacist might go over your medications with you first.
You will be handed a file after checking in. Proceed to measure your blood pressure and weight, then drop the file in Window 10. You will then be guided to a bed to change clothes and other preparations for the procedure. Once the prep work is done, you will wait in bed until the operation room is ready.
When the operation room is ready, we will take you to the operation room. Your family will part with you there and wait in the family waiting room until your procedure is over.
When the procedure is over, depending on whether you are awake or not, the doctor will explain to you and your family the result. Then we take you to HCU (high care unit) or your room.
We ask that you do not park your car overnight. Please arrange for someone to drop you off and pick you up. If for some reason you must drive on your own and park overnight, please let us know in advance. If you must park overnight, please understand we cannot take any responsibility for loss or damage of property.