Makiminato Chuo Hospital
Makiminato Chuo Hospital
TEL: 098-877-0575 (24-HR JPN)
TEL: 098-878-8630 (ENG)

What to expect on discharge

Time of Discharge

The general discharge time is 11:00. After your doctor has given instructions on discharge, a physical therapist and/or nutritionist might come and give you exercise and dietary advice. A nurse will come to give you one last vital check, remove all attachments and your wrist band, and hand you discharge papers. On your way out, please stop by the nurse station to let our staff know you have checked out the room.


One of the discharge papers is a payment slip to be handed over to the cashier. If you are not sure which one it is, just hand in all the papers. Regardless of whether you have payment or not, hand the papers to the cashier so they know you are being discharged.

Follow-up Appointment

More likely than not, you will have an appointment after discharge. One of the discharge papers is your follow-up appointment slip. If you did not receive one, double check with our staff.

Discharge Prescriptions

Our staff will let you know whether you have discharge prescriptions or not. After you have made payment, wait at the pharmacy for your medications.