Makiminato Chuo Hospital
Makiminato Chuo Hospital
TEL: 098-877-0575 (24-HR JPN)
TEL: 098-878-8630 (ENG)

What to expect during your stay

Care during your stay

All the care you received during your hospital stay is tailored to be appropriate toward your treatment. We kindly ask for your cooperation in following your doctor and medical staff’s instructions. If conditions called for, we might also ask your family to help care for you.

Meals during your stay

Your meals are usually tailored to your condition by our nutritionist based on your doctor’s instructions. For that matter, we advise against bringing in your own food. If for religious reason or special dietary reason you would prefer to have food from home, please consult with your doctor first.

We cannot offer individualized meals, however, we will try our best to make your stay comfortable. You can choose between Japanese style and western-style meals. The major differences between the two are bread instead of rice, and salad instead of miso soup. Also, if you have any special preferences or dislikes, please let us know in advance, we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

If you want to skip a meal, please let the nurse know in advance to cancel the meal. If the nurse is not notified before the following schedule, the meal cannot be canceled and will be billed for. Meals are served at 08:00, 12:00, 18:00.

  • To cancel breakfast, notify before 18:00 the evening before.
  • To cancel lunch, notify before 10:00 the same morning.
  • To cancel dinner, notify before 15:00 the same afternoon.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Please observe our no smoking and no alcohol rule. Please also ask your family or visitor to refrain from smoking on hospital ground.

Spiritual needs during your stay

Though we do not have praying room in our facility, we understand and respect your wish to pray undisturbed in your room. If you have a praying schedule, please let our staff know and we will provide you a DO NOT DISTURB sign for you to hang outside your door while you are praying.

Verifying your identity during your stay

A lot of medical mistakes can be prevented when patient identity is verified repeatedly. Our medical staff might scan your wrist band and ask you repeatedly for your name and date of birth before a test or before administering a med, please understand this is for your own safety and give them your name and date of birth SLOWLY (as they might not catch your English if you were to speak fast).

Keeping your valuables safe during your stay

We ask that you keep your valuables with someone you trust. If you must bring your valuables to the hospital, keep them to a minimal. There is a safe in the cabinet by your bed where you can lock your wallet; keep the key with you at all time.

Keeping yourself entertained during your stay

Hospital stay is quite mundane. It is advisable to have something from home to keep you entertained. All rooms are equipped with personal TV set. Televisions in the private rooms are free of charge, but those in the standard rooms require a prepaid card to operate. The prepaid card can be purchased at the vending machine next to the elevator, it is 1,000 Yen per card with 20 hours viewing time. If there is still credit left upon discharge, you can get a refund at the machine.

It is perfectly okay to bring in your tablet or laptop to watch videos on them. In any event, please wear a headphone if you are sharing the standard room with other patients.

Keeping your medicines refrigerated during your stay

Only private rooms are equipped with a refrigerator. If you have medications that need to be refrigerated, or if your medications require specific temperature control, please give them to the nurse to be refrigerated in the nursing station.