Makiminato Chuo Hospital
Makiminato Chuo Hospital
TEL: 098-877-0575 (24-HR JPN)
TEL: 098-878-8630 (ENG)

Guides to Noted Doctors

Noted Doctors of Japan (18 Noted Arrhythmia Doctors)

Doctors Guide (14 Competent Arrhythmia Doctors)

Medical Current Affairs (14 Significant Arrhythmia Doctors)

Clintal Beta, the Michelin Guide to noted doctors (21 Noted Arrhythmia Doctors)

“National and Regional Rankings to Good Hospitals, 2017: By number of operations” (Asahi MOOK)

“Hospitals with Famous Doctors, 2018: By number of operations” “Top 12 Ablation Specialists” (Medical News)

“Hospitals with Famous Doctors, 2020-2022: Search by latest treatment data.” “Famous Doctor Listings by Disease, 2022-2022” “Famous Heart Disease Doctors” Medical News Digital