Makiminato Chuo Hospital
Makiminato Chuo Hospital
TEL: 098-877-0575 (24-HR JPN)
TEL: 098-878-8630 (ENG)

PCR Test for COVID-19

PCR test for COVID-19

Can I get tested for COVID-19 at your hospital?

At present RT-PCR test is only available to people with COVID-19 related symptoms. If you would like to get tested for COVID-19, please call the number below to make an appointment. Business hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 15:00. NO WALK-IN.


Regardless of your symptoms or the lack thereof, the test is a DRIVE-IN test. DO NOT get out of the car when you arrived. If you are not sure where to go, call us from your car and someone will direct you the way.

Click here Q&A for more details.

Can I get tested for international travel at your hospital?

Yes, you can get tested at our hospital for international travel. However, the only available test at present for international travel is NEAR test, not RT-PCR. Therefore, you have to find out from the country of your final destination whether they accept NEAR test or not. If a NEAR test is acceptable, then call us to make an appointment. Also, stay updated with COVID-19 policy of the country you are traveling to, the hospital should not be held accountable for any changes in travel policy or requirements.

Please keep in mind there are limited slots for NEAR test per day, so plan early.

☎098-878-8630 (English only)

Please have the following information ready when you call to make an appointment:

  • Your flight schedule
  • Country of final destination
  • Your full name as it appears on your passport
  • Your date of birth
  • Your sex
  • Your contact address and phone number
  • The color, make, license plate of the car you will becoming in.

FAQ about PCR test

Q. Is PCR test for anyone who wants to take it?
A.  This test is NOT for everyone. It is only available to people whose condition or symptoms meet the established guideline of Okinawa prefecture. Call us to request an appointment. We will determine whether you met guideline and call you back with the date and time for the test.

Q. Can I get meds for my fever?
A. Yes. If you visit us during outpatient hours, we can give you medication for 5 to 7 days. If you visit us after hours, you can only get 3 days of medicine.

Q. Can I get tested after hours?
A. You can come after hours for your fever, however, no testing for Influenza and COVID-19 are available. After hours are after 17:00 on weeknights, Thursday and Saturday afternoons, all day Sundays and public holidays.

Q. Can I get a doctor’s note note for my visit?
A. We cannot issue any doctor’s note negating COVID-19 infection such as “The patient’s symptoms are not COVID-19 related” or “The patient does not have COVID-19.”