Makiminato Chuo Hospital
Makiminato Chuo Hospital
TEL: 098-877-0575 (24-HR JPN)
TEL: 098-878-8630 (ENG)

TDQ’s Designated Hospital for Travelers on Dialysis

Makiminato Chuo Hospital is now a designated hospital for travelers on dialysis by the Taiwan Association of Dialysis Patients’ Quality of Life (TDQ). TDQ is an NGO/NPO established for the facilitation of improving quality of life in dialysis patients. One of its many functions is to assist dialysis patients in incorporating dialysis sessions into their travel plans, regardless of whether the patient is traveling from Taiwan to other countries or from other countries to Taiwan. (Please visit TDQ official site for more details.) Having the honor to be a designated dialysis hospital for travelers by TDQ is in some sense means our dialysis system is recognized internationally.

On February 26, 2019, TDQ’s Vice President, Director, Executive Secretary visited us and presented us a certification for designated hospital for travelers on dialysis. TDQ Executive Secretary, Dr. Brian Chen, president of a dialysis clinic himself, gave a presentation on dialysis in Taiwan. The delegation was also given a tour of our facility. The visit was an excellent opportunity to learn of the similarities and differences in dialysis between Japan and Taiwan. The exchanges that were shared among us also gave us the opportunity to review our own system and environment to better serve our patients locally as well as those on travels.